Sunday 15 January 2012

The First Day

After a long flight, we arrived safely in Cape Town, around 12 o'clock at night. Of course, my goodbyes hadn't been easy, but with the support of my friends, boyfriend, and family, I got through it. The view from the airplane was beautiful, we could see the lights of Cape Town from far above, and when we crossed Northern Africa, we could even see the deserts. When we got out of the plane, we saw that our exchange families were waiting to welcome us with flags and banners. Loren didn't live far from the airport, and after meeting her family and being showed around in their home, I went to sleep. I was very tired from the flight, so I slept until 12 o'clock the next morning. I looked out of my window and saw a clear blue sky, a brightly shining sun, and I even had a view on the back of the Table Mountain. I had breakfast with Loren and in the afternoon we went to the mall. After doing some shopping and looking around, we went for sushi with a few of Loren's schoolfriends. It was a lot of fun. Loren's mom drove us to and from the mall, which was kind of weird, being used to cycling everywhere. Tomorrow, I will go to church with Loren and her family, which will probably be a whole new experience.

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